The Protection of Investments within the EU

  • Florin Tudor Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: investment protection, research-innovation, bio-economy


The present article analyses the investments within the EU, but it does not necessarily refer to the investments made by investors in third party-countries in the EU, but especially to those belonging to the investors in the member countries. National Juridical norms are comparatively analysed, and they sometimes cover the fundamental norms of the EU, the protection and rights of the investors. In addition to this analysis, the present study also focuses on the measures programmatically adopted by the European structures in order to refresh the economy that was massively affected by the global health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, on the role of the research-development-innovation, and of the commercial relations with other states.

How to Cite
Tudor, F. (2022). The Protection of Investments within the EU. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 13(1), 89-99. Retrieved from