The Analysis of the Evolution of European Funds Absorption in Pandemic Context in Romania

  • Rodica Pripoaie Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania


The pandemic context had major implications on most areas of activity around the world, and implicitly in Romania. Some of them were more or less affected depending on the branch of activity. This paper aims at studying the influence that the pandemic has had on the degree of absorption of European funds in Romania. In response to these complex threats, exceptional measures have been taken and major changes have occurred in the business environment. The lockdown periods affected the activity of most Romanian companies, so the entrepreneurs sought financing solutions and resorted to government assistance or European funding to survive.

Pripoaie, R. (2022). The Analysis of the Evolution of European Funds Absorption in Pandemic Context in Romania. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 15(1), 9-23. Abgerufen von

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