China Africa Europe: Erasure Or Renewal Of The Colonial Process

  • Benjamin Steck Universite du Havre
Keywords: economic/geopolitical dimensions, powers guardians, economic power; colonialism


China has gradually become the most important foreign economic player dynamics of the continent, overtaking or following the European States by the strength of its trade. At the same time, at the end of 20th century, Africa has become the target of an increasing number of economic and geopolitical interests, ground for the expansion of new powers constituted by the emerging States of a South which is no longer Third World. At the forefront of the actors, is China whose eruption in Africa amazes all observers by its speed and his power. Africa thus becomes the place of a competition without concession between the former guardian powers of Europe and the China, among other competitors, for the moment less present.

How to Cite
Steck, B. (2022). China Africa Europe: Erasure Or Renewal Of The Colonial Process. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 9(1). Retrieved from