The Perurban Space Of Kechida: Morphogenesis And Stigma Of Traditional Urban Tissues

  • Djefal Djafar
  • Salah Bouchemal


The article explores the new forms of the process of making cities on the southern shore of the Mediterranean and also allows its contextualization in the evolution of
contemporary urban realities.
Interested in this idea, this contribution seeks to read and understand the modalities of production of the peri-urban space of the Kechida district, located in the North-West of the city
of Batna, Algeria. This is essentially the result of the phenomenon of the increased rural exodus of the 1990s and a recently observable residential mobility. It's a good space
singular, it remains challenging to define and is constantly expanding, in the absence of policies and coherent institutional mechanisms, following the disengagement of the public authorities
planning operations, especially when they were concerned about the double economic and security crisis that the country has gone through. Consequently, all these conditions
were conducive to the tolerated advent of private and individual initiative and to the formation of informal urban fabrics, far from the standards in force, and whose layout and occupation
obey choices of circumstances, nourished by social and societal representations of inhabitants, hence the appearance of analogies with traditional urban fabrics. Through this
research, we tried to answer the question: who and how is the peri-urban space of Kechida? We have highlighted the manufacturing process of
the peri-urban area of Kechida while favoring the morphological approach, the advantage is to elucidate, a priori, the typology of urban planning considered. Likewise, and so
to be more interpretative than descriptive, the study is consolidated by a survey of inhabitants, in order to decipher the modes of perception and appropriation of space.

How to Cite
Djafar, D., & Bouchemal, S. (2022). The Perurban Space Of Kechida: Morphogenesis And Stigma Of Traditional Urban Tissues. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 16(2). Retrieved from