Good Governance and Sustainable Development: Moderators of the Public Waste Management Service Urban Solids. Case of the City of Tizi-Ouzou

  • Djeffal Djafar


An etymologically old notion, the public service was built based on political and ideological choices. It remains a paradigmatic notion full of ambiguity, but which designates indiscriminately an unidentified range of services to expectations of the diverse needs of the population. At the end of the 20th century, the world underwent a turning point which is not the least, following the appearance of misdeeds imposed on ecosystems and for which we are responsible. To deal with it, a panoply of measures and systems have been put in place by the international community, hence the treaties ratified by nation states. The Rio De Janeiro conference of 1992 imposed the concept of sustainable development and local governance, as being the expression of concern for reconciliation between ecological and socio-economic concerns, which made it possible to create an action plan, Agenda 21, which emphasizes the mission and the role of local authorities in its implementation.

How to Cite
Djafar, D. (2023). Good Governance and Sustainable Development: Moderators of the Public Waste Management Service Urban Solids. Case of the City of Tizi-Ouzou. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 7(1). Retrieved from