Mari Vaattovaara, Matti Kortteinen, “Beyond polarisation versus professionalisation? A case study on the development of the Helsinki region”, Urban Studies, 2007


  • Carmen-Beatrice Pauna


The decision to make a review of this paper follows both the prestige enjoyed by its authors and the particular interest shown by specialists in the economic and social performances achieved in Helsinki, “a pocket-size metropolis” (as the area is called in this very paper). Mari Vaattovaara and Matti Kortteinen belong to the generation of Finnish researchers with a modern vision and approach on urbanism – which also includes aspects of urban geography and sociology but also trends of the economic development in urban areas. Mari Vaattovaara delivered her doctoral thesis in urban geography at Oulu University in 1999, and is currently professor of Urban Geography at the Helsinki University. Following her prodigious activity in research in the field she has been selected as expert and co-ordinator of numerous research projects both at a national and European level. Her rich experience as professor and in the field of research has been rounded off by that of author of numerous specialized books, studies and articles published by famous international publishing houses.

Comment citer
Pauna, C.-B. (2023). Mari Vaattovaara, Matti Kortteinen, “Beyond polarisation versus professionalisation? A case study on the development of the Helsinki region”, Urban Studies, 2007. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 1(2). Consulté à l’adresse

