Changes in the Structure of Small Age and Sex Groups of the Full-Aged Population in Galati during the Contemporary Period

  • Iulian Adrian Sorcaru


The full-aged population is the most important age group within a human collectivity. Its weight is directly proportional to the work resources of a country, region, county, city, and village; to the population’s capacity of reproduction if referring to the feminine fertile age population, as to the level of productivity. The major political and economical changes that affected our country in the 1990, generated important mutations on the population’s demography , with direct effects on the full-aged population, whose increase, generated by the drastic reduction of birth rate and implicitly of young population, determines an accelerate ageing of population.

Comment citer
Sorcaru, I. A. (2023). Changes in the Structure of Small Age and Sex Groups of the Full-Aged Population in Galati during the Contemporary Period. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 1(2). Consulté à l’adresse

