Trends in Permanent Migration in Romania during the Period 1991-2022

  • Marina Lucian


The study aims to identify the trends in the permanent migration of the population at the county and primary city levels in Romania. The primary data source for the work is Tempo-online, along with other national and international statistics. Significant changes in the dynamics of migration in Romania are identified based on the studied data. The study notes a significant increase in emigration and permanent immigration, especially in the years post-accession to the EU. On the other hand, Romania seems to be slowly but entirely clearly entering a period of population replenishment in the last five years by attracting significant flows of permanent immigrants, leading to a relatively balanced relationship between emigration and immigration.

Lucian, M. (2023). Trends in Permanent Migration in Romania during the Period 1991-2022. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 16(2), 79-92. Abgerufen von

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