Effects Of Russian Imperial Policy On Forest Management In Bessarabia

  • Catalina Frangopol
Keywords: forest; forest fund; Bessarabia; property; exploitation


The Soviet system of forest management in Bessarabia, similar to that of the entire Soviet Union, was characterized by centralization and strict state control. Forests were considered its property and specialised institutions, such as the Ministry of Forestry and Forest Fund Management, were responsible for their management. During the Soviet period, the forests of Bessarabia were intensively exploited, without taking into account the need for natural regeneration or biodiversity conservation. A feature of the Soviet system was the lack of promotion of private ownership of land and forests, which led to ineffective management and deterioration. A feature of the Soviet system was the lack of promotion of private ownership of land and forests, leading to inefficient management and deterioration. The exclusion of local communities from the forest management process also contributed to a lack of responsibility and involvement in forest protection and management. The negative results of the Soviet period on forest resources in Bessarabia are evident, including massive deforestation, loss of biodiversity and degradation of soil and water quality. After the fall of the Soviet Union, efforts were made to improve forest management and develop private ownership, but obstacles such as bureaucracy and corruption prevented adequate progress. Today, the forest fund in the Republic of Moldova is considerably smaller than in the pre-Soviet period, but protection and development efforts are limited by financial resources and problems related to improper exploitation and illegal logging. It is imperative to continue and improve management efforts to protect and sustainably develop the forest fund, given the negative consequences of past logging practices and the prospects for improving management and private ownership of forest land to ensure a sustainable future.

How to Cite
Frangopol, C. (2024). Effects Of Russian Imperial Policy On Forest Management In Bessarabia. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 17(1), 89-95. Retrieved from https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/pars/article/view/6860