Dimensiunea pastorală a Tainei Cununiei în lumina trecutului și prezentului ritualic
As the Romanian Orthodox Church has declared the year of 2020 as “the referential year of parents’ and children’s pastoral”, aiming to continuously sacra- lize the family found under the constant influence of the actual secularism, the purpose of this paper is to highlight the cultic details of the Sacrament of Marriage by revealing a series of codices kept in the Christian liturgical archives. We strongly believe that, if we look in our past, through the light of the ritual of Marriage, we can unfold great themes which can be gathered in an authentic pastoral register for our priests. An active knowledge of the mutual sacrificial love shared between the two spouses may bring the family back to its iconic status given by God under the Church’s grace. This can turn into an actual and continuous reality only through a relentless pastoral acti- vity of Christ’s servants. Only by living such virtues coming from the joining of the two – man and woman becoming as “one” by assuming permanently the unseen cross – we can say that the entire pastoral effort of the Church reaches its purpose. Therefore, in the following pages we are going to introduce the grace of love to the contemporary pastoral, by emphasizing those details which have always defined the main horizon – through cult and by living the Orthodox directions in order to keep the Christian family in the light of the Resurrection.