Spiritualitate și cultură în scrierile părintelui Nicolae Steinhardt (1912-1989)

  • Radu Petre Mureșan University of Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Nicolae Steinhardt, the monk from Rohia, jew, culture, faith, conversion, existentialism


Father Nicolae Steinhardt has always been a difficult subject to address, insofar as he discusses several awkward topics: the interwar intellectual model, with all its ramifications to the legionary doctrine, the problem of conversion, out of conviction, not out of interest, or the fact paradoxically to discover, in prison, that freedom is the essential condition of faith, morality, culture, ideologies and political systems. The study aims to present some aspects Christian existentialism, as reflected in the work of the monk from Rohia. From the complete work Nicolae Steinhardt, which appears at Polirom Publishing House on the initiative of His Holiness Justin, Bishop of Maramureș and Sătmar and President of Nicolae Steinhardt Foundation, I chose to limit myself to the dialogues between 1986 and 1989 (last three years of life) with the literary critic Zaharia Sângeorzan and the poet Nicolae Băciuț, as well as at the Journal of Happiness, usually considered the will of Father Nicolae Steinhardt.


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Author Biography

Radu Petre Mureșan, University of Bucharest, Romania

Pr. conf. univ. dr. Radu Petre Mureșan, Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul“, Universitatea din București

How to Cite
Mureșan, R. (2020). Spiritualitate și cultură în scrierile părintelui Nicolae Steinhardt (1912-1989). Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 18, 263-274. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.35219/teologie.2020.15