Rolul Bisericii în înfăptuirea justiției în Țările Române feudale
The justice performance system has evolved all over the world, at the same time with the development of the human society. The Church had had a great
influence on the justice system in our country, in the medieval period. The lords frequently trusted to the hierarchs the authority to judge many cases where laymen were involved. At the same time, in the Romanian feudalism, the Church had had also the authority to put to execution the decisions given, at least in the criminal cases. This is proved by many mitropolies where prisons were operating, existing in Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia and being guarded by mercenaries from the Romaniancountries’ army. The Church and its hierarch’s contributions to the justice fulfilment act in the medieval period of the Romanian people are presented in the present study.