Preoți români pe frontul Războiului pentru reîntregire – preot căpitan Ioan Mușețeanu, confesor al Regimentului 21 Infanterie

  • Mihaela Denisia Liușnea “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: Ioan Muşeţeanu, First World War, military confessor, Regiment 21 Infantry


In the First World War the priests served the Land not only on the battlefield, but also in every parish where they remained with the spiritual sons, supporting and encouraging the civilian population in times of grief, sickness, suffering, conferences and preach the national values and promote the idea of unity in thoughts and feelings. In this paper we present the personality of Captain Ioan Muşeţescu, confessor of the 21st Infantry Regiment, who participated directly in the war and signed several memoirs, evoking, with great details, important moments from the front, including The Battle of January 1918 for the defense of the city of Galati by the Bolshevik Russian soldiers, who had been urged to leave the line of the Romanian front and not only in the context of the negotiations for Russia’s outbreak of war. Through this case study, we want to give an overview as close as possible to the truth, as far as realities of which there is not much written, one of which is the very important role the priests have had military confessors, who they not only shared with the soldiers the difficulties of the war, especially the defeat, but managed to raise the morale of the soldiers, to remind them of the originally motivated and unaltered ideal, the union of the foreign provinces, with foreign domination, with Romanian Kingdom.


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Author Biography

Mihaela Denisia Liușnea, “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati

Conf. univ. dr. Mihaela Denisia Liușnea, Facultatea de Istorie, Filosofie și Teologie, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos“ din Galați

How to Cite
Liușnea, M. (2018). Preoți români pe frontul Războiului pentru reîntregire – preot căpitan Ioan Mușețeanu, confesor al Regimentului 21 Infanterie. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 16, 18-31. Retrieved from