Ora de Religie – provocări, perspective, soluții. Aspecte concrete
The Religion class/hour, one of the most beautiful discipline in the schedule of students, and often challenged lately is always the attention of teachers, in children’s hearts, under the protective wing of the Church, especially in guarding of God. Reintroduced in education of today Romania, as a repair required in post-December period, this class had multiple periods of definition and redefinition, deprivation and joy at the same time. As we know, in late February and early March 2015 the religion lessons faces the biggest challenge up now: it becomes the only matter from Romanian curriculum for which parents / students may choose whether study or not to study in institutionalized school !! The big challenge is but one step raises and enhances time status of religion, both in school and in Romanian social landscape, proving to all that Religion (class) is desired, making further part of the common branch of educational structure. The misision of Religion teacher is not easy, we consider it even the most difficult but also wonderful, collaborative manner student-teacher! Though lacks external considerations persuasive nor wants, he/she can manage to make the class/ hour as a celebration of the joy of life, in other words the teacher is the method. In entirely, the Religion class depends on a number of factors – legislation, curriculum, teaching, teacher, Church, parents, teachers, each contributing to the success of an exemplary teaching approach. Problems or challenges have been, are and always will appear, collaborative solutions are obtained for the same purpose already assumed the stability of the religious education, student-centered,made by dedicated mission of religion teacher that God has entrusted to him/her.