Conștiința de enoriaș și importanța ei în pastorație

  • Nicolae D. Necula University of Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: priest, parishioner, parish, pastoral, spiritual connection


During “The Year of souls shepherds” it is very important the double bond between the priest and the faithful whom he shepherds. On the one hand, the pastoral studies speak about the priest’s care for his parishioners and offer a range of pastoral methods and means. On the other hand it is necessary that, from the Christians to come to church and to the holy ministers, the feeling and the certainty of belonging to the parish community and of the spiritual bond with the priest. This is the “parishioner conscience”. It is cultivated by the participation in the liturgical life of the Christian, in the parish church and by the effective involvement in various educational, cultural and social-philanthropic activities, which holds in each Orthodox parish. A living conscience parishioner gives effectiveness to the pastoral in the parish.

Author Biography

Nicolae D. Necula, University of Bucharest, Romania

Pr. prof. dr. Nicolae D. Necula, Facultatea de Teologie „Patriarhul Justinian“, Universitatea din București

How to Cite
Necula, N. (2016). Conștiința de enoriaș și importanța ei în pastorație. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 14, 15-24. Retrieved from
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