Criza educației religioase în învățământul românesc de astăzi. Cauze, provocări și perspective
Economists, political scientists, historians, sociologists and theologians analyze from each point of view, the crisis in which the humanity is struggling today. This crisis has many facets; it is caused by historical reasons but also current ones and, in turn, it generates, on medium and long term, the unpredictable effects, but certainly harmful to humans. In the current context, the worst part of this crisis is the religious, spiritual one; it’s the drama of man who is losing his soul identity, because firstly he lost his national, cultural and educational identity. This phenomenon occurs because man today doesn’t receive a good education anymore, to fortify him for the battle with life and to offer him the conditions of a normal spiritual and human growth. This work/ paper is meant to be the radiography of the problems of today’s religious education from a triple perspective: causes, challenges, future.