O misiunea Bisericii – propovăduirea „Frumuseții care va mântui lumea“

  • Costion Nicolescu The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant
Keywords: mission, world, sin, ugliness, beauty, salvation


The world today. Not the world itself, which was created by God “very good” (Genesis 1: 31), but the man inside himself, in his beliefs and experiences. As the fall of man brought about the fall of the entire Cosmos, so the soul deformation of man deforms and intoxicates the world in which he lives. Salvation comes also from The Spring of beauty – God; He is “The Beauty which saves the world” as the well-known Dostoevsky expresses. The Church’s mission today, in a world that uses the aesthetic concept of ugliness is to show continuously to all, The Beauty, God, which can beautify us again.

Author Biography

Costion Nicolescu, The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant

Cercetător la Muzeul Ţăranului Român din Bucureşti

How to Cite
Nicolescu, C. (2016). O misiunea Bisericii – propovăduirea „Frumuseții care va mântui lumea“. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 14, 80-111. Retrieved from https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/teologie/article/view/4284
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