Unitatea Bisericii, motivație fundamentală în pastorația Sfântului Ioan Gură de Aur
The motive of the pastoral activity of the Sanctuary Chrysostom was his love for Christ and the Church. For one successful pastor of his flock, St. John had the conviction that it is essential to maintain the unity of the members of the Church around Christ. The union of the members of the Church in Christ becomes an important concern of the Holy Father and at the same time a substantial motivation in his pastoral work. The union of the members of the Church with the Head-Christ, and in Christ with all other members of the Church are realistic and mysterious. It is about for the sacrament of "in Christ" and "in the Holy Spirit" unity of the Church. For the believer who shares, the Eucharist is the ultimate mystery of his realistic and real unity with Christ and in Christ with other members of the Church. The unity of the Church in Christ and the expression of its universality through the Eucharist presupposes the unity of faith. The treasure of truth is found only in the Church and the Orthodox believers must keep it untouched by heretical deviations. The orthodox a believer must have a missionary character. The true orthodox believer is not one who considers himself orthodox, but one who proves it in practice, with his way of life. Under no circumstances should the Orthodox believer show hatred, enmity or evil to heretics, as it should not point to the whole universe. The orthodox Christian must pray for their enlightenment misguided and to correct them. There are passions and diseases that destroy the unity of the Church from within. Passions such as greed, arrogance, avarice, ambition, greed, affluence and the like break the bond of the Church. With pain of soul, St. Chrysostom summons all members of the Church to fight together all the diseases of their unity and urges in one a virtuous life in the bond of love and peace.