Frumusețea creației oglindită în omiliile Sfântului Ioan Gură de Aur
In a world where the word has lost its edifying, constructive energy, with people who often forget to talk nicely and to live as they speak, we need models; word models and life models. St. John Chrysostom embodies both of them: he speaks brightly and lives his life in light, perceiving the accomplished beauty of Cosmos. In all the elements of creation he distinguishes the Primordial Beauty –God – the Creator; he proposes to Christians to read in creation as in a book and to exclaim, having the word of the psalmist in his heart: “How magnified are thy things Lord, with wisdom all you’ve done” (Ps. 103, 25). The Creation shows omnipotence, wisdom and ineffable beauty of the Creator and invites man to become a contemplator of the things “Hands of God”.