Moartea morții și învierea vieții. Colind de văduvă

  • Sabina Cornelia Ispas Institute of Ethnography and Folklore “C. Brăiloiu“, Romanian Academy
Keywords: life, death, mystery, Resurrection, Kingdom of Heaven, tradition


Life and death are the two great mysteries that mark human destiny. Life is the miracle whereby man comes from non-existence to being, to existence, out of God’s gift, on the foundation of his parents’ love. Death is the passing from this life to the eternal life - which is the supreme ideal of human existence on this earth. For this reason, life here is a preparation for the other Life. In our Romanian traditional culture,this training starts from the babyhood and the climax is in the very moment of crossing to the Beyond. Folk tradition,combined with the Orthodox Christian spirituality generated, throughout the time, a whole treasure of traditions and rites, with regional particularities, but all having as a core the same message - the human desire to gain the eternal life, with God.

Author Biography

Sabina Cornelia Ispas, Institute of Ethnography and Folklore “C. Brăiloiu“, Romanian Academy

Acad. Sabina Cornelia Ispas, Institutul de Etnografie și Folclor „C. Brăiloiu“, Academia Română

How to Cite
Ispas, S. (2016). Moartea morții și învierea vieții. Colind de văduvă. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 14, 481-492. Retrieved from

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