Mântuitorul nostru Iisus Hristos – Euharistic – ieri, azi și în veci, Același este. Temeiuri scripturistice și dogmatice ale prezenței Domnului în cadrul Sfintei Liturghii
In this study I wanted to present the role, the place and also the value and the topical interest of Our Lord’ s sacrifice – started together with His birth in the manger of Bethlehem and ended with His ordeal, sufference and death on the cross. But what I wanted to point out the most is the strong connection between Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and the Eucharistic one – the latter being regarded as a success and a climax over time and space because Jesus Christ – the Redeemer – is sacrificed and sacrifices Himself, every time during the Holy Liturgy, the target coinciding with
His sacrifice on the cross i.e. our redemption from the degenerate state which we live in, controlled by sins, death and darkness, but also the restoration of the communion between people and God. This is why I emphasized that Jesus’ sacrifice on Golgotha moved till the end of times on the Golgotha that lies in our Holy Churches – The Holy Table of the Altar where Christ is sacrificed and sacrifices Himself, The Holy Bread and Wine change or consecrate into The Holy Gifts – The Holy Body and The Holy Blood of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Another thing that is worth mentioning here is the importance of a mutual relation that should exist between Our Lord’s Sacrifice and our personal one – the one we should bring in order to realize the communion between us and Christ, but in the same time we should regard it as respects (veneration and gratitude) to The Holy Trinity. As a conclusion, we have to keep very clear in mind that Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice cannot be reduced to a mere example of social behaviour, but on the contrary it can be distinguished through the absolute superiority and the consummated power which. The Son of God brings along. As a result of our union with Christ, the manifestation of His love towards people is conceived in us. Through me, Jesus loves my fellow and my fellow receives my love which has its source in Jesus Christ. By this love and by the power of Christ, more or less, each of us comes to abnegation as living sacrifices. But as well as Christ’s Sacrifice was not separated by His Resurrection, in the same way our sacrifice cannot be separated by the life He offers us. Let us not forget that without Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice, especially the Eucharistic one, we can do nothing.This is exactly why this sacrifice must be carried out and shared.