Proba spontaneității. Pledoarie pentru o sociologie a spovedaniei

  • Mirel Bănică
Keywords: sociology of confession, spiritual therapy, individual identity, spontaneity


After 1990, religion is present in all spheres of private life in Romania, becoming again one of the major identity factors. Of all its forms of expression, Confession is the greatest theological and ritual complexity. Despite its importance, it has been little or not all studied. This article is actually an invitation to the study of sociological and anthropological Confession, with the purpose of presenting its unique and important role within the whole contemporary religious fact.


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Author Biography

Mirel Bănică

Dr. Mirel Bănică, cercetător științific, Secția de Științe Istorice, Academia Română, București

How to Cite
Bănică, M. (2015). Proba spontaneității. Pledoarie pentru o sociologie a spovedaniei. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 13, 575-578. Retrieved from