Omul duhovnicesc și teologia harului, în opera părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae (recenzie la lucrarea dr. Michael Weber, „Der geistig-geistliche Mensch im Konzept der Gnade bei Dumitru Staniloae“)

  • Reinhold Gestrich University of Ludwigsburg
Keywords: theology of grace, holiness, significance, intellectual way, ecumenical dialogue


Michael Weber’s book is a description of Father Dumitru Staniloae’s theology about “Spiritual Man”. In this context, the interest of the Lutheran author is concentrated on the notion of grace in the work of the great Romanian theologian. Michael Weber is convinced that the theology of grace and the theology about Christian holiness in Father Staniloae’s work in the spirit of Holy Father. This has a great significance in the context of the ecumenical dialogue. Beyond this, Weber’s book signifies an insightful endeavor, meritorious to draw on Staniloae’s path in relation to the historical time, when Father Staniloae lived and worked (Weber’s subtitle: a theological attempt which takes into consideration the social-cultural plan at the bottom of Staniloae’s life) thus, the German readers find in Weber’s book a comprehensive exposure of Romanian history of the XXth century around Father Staniloae’s work – in a biographical, political, cultural, intellectual, theological and ecumenical way.

Author Biography

Reinhold Gestrich, University of Ludwigsburg

Lect. dr. Reinhold Gestrich, Universitatea din Ludwigsburg, Germania

How to Cite
Gestrich, R. (2014). Omul duhovnicesc și teologia harului, în opera părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae (recenzie la lucrarea dr. Michael Weber, „Der geistig-geistliche Mensch im Konzept der Gnade bei Dumitru Staniloae“). Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 12, 25-33. Retrieved from
2013 – Anul comemorativ „Părintele Dumitru Stăniloae (1903-2013), 110 ani de la

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