Semnificația biblică și patristică a evenimentului Înălțării Sfintei Cruci de către Sfinții Împărați Constantin și Elena

  • Ioan Caraza University of Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Holy Cross, honouring the Holy Cross, church, foundations


This study wants to present the centrality of the cult for the Holy Cross in the spiritual life of the Saint Emperors Constantine and Helen. The vision of the Cross which Constantine had at Pons Milvius marked the focal point, of the radical change of his life. The light of the Saviour’s Cross enlightened his life, becoming his “bridge”, “way” and “boundary” towards the end of his life: baptism on the death performed by the semi-Arian bishop Eusebiu of Nicomedia. Also, the emperor’s mother, Saint Helen, has been “hurt” by the love of Christ’s Cross. Accompanied by the personal general of the emperor, Saint Artemie, she went straight to Jerusalem and ordered that the Lord’s Cross be taken out from the depth of Golgotha to see the light. The Emperor saw the Cross in the Sky, while his mother saved it from the depth of the Earth! By their providential work, the Cross has become a generalized Christian symbol, a sign of triumph engraved on shields and war flags and “pillar” of the Church.

Author Biography

Ioan Caraza, University of Bucharest, Romania

Diac. prof. dr. Ioan Caraza, Facultatea de Teologie „Patriarhul Justinian“, Universitatea din București

How to Cite
Caraza, I. (2014). Semnificația biblică și patristică a evenimentului Înălțării Sfintei Cruci de către Sfinții Împărați Constantin și Elena. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 12, 89-98. Retrieved from
2013 – Anul omagial al Sfinților Împărați Constantin și Elena

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