Constantin cel Mare, de la curtea lui Dioclețian la Maximus Augustus și Biserica din Scythia

  • Ionel Ene “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: emperor, Church, tetrarchy, edict, conference, martyr


The year 2013, dedicated to St. Emperors Constantine and Helen, has brought to our attention the whole history of the IVth century, with its respective unrest, controversies, but also, frustrations. Our study follows the path of Constantine the Great, from Diocletian’s court to the time when he became the only ruler of the empire, catching a glimpse of the Danube limes which was the focus of the great emperor. The information discovered in Synaxarum Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae about a Scythians’ church, is of the utmost importance. Two new bishops, Aiterios – Eterios, acknowledged also by other sources, as well as Capiton, are added to the list of hierarchs that have been mentioned up to now in the Romanian ecclesial historiography to the north of the Danube: Theophilus of Gothica, Wulfila, Goddas, Maximus.


Author Biography

Ionel Ene, “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati

Pr. prof. dr. Ionel Ene, Facultatea de Istorie, Filosofie și Teologie, Universitatea „Dunarea de Jos“ din Galați

How to Cite
Ene, I. (2014). Constantin cel Mare, de la curtea lui Dioclețian la Maximus Augustus și Biserica din Scythia. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 12, 325-343. Retrieved from
2013 – Anul omagial al Sfinților Împărați Constantin și Elena