Statornicia duhovnicească, puterea de a birui orice încercare şi suferinţă. Meditaţie în lumina teologiei Sfântului Apostol Pavel
According to Christian teaching, suff ering is one of the bitter fruits of sin, which is dwelling deep within human nature. For this reason, it is natural that the removal of God and sinking man into sin disseminate suff ering in the world.
Saviour Christ testifi es that suff ering is the fruit of sin and also shows that, on a personal level, are allowed to happen attempts and obduracies which are meant to prove God’s glory. St. Apostle Paul himself experiments the pain in his body and understands all its dimensions. His torments supreme motivation based on love of Christ. He suff ers especially for Christ, preaching his Gospel to the Church for the spiritual sons. Thus, his suff erings are accompanied by joy.
In torments endured for Church, St. Apostle Paul fully lives the joy of Christ’s presence in his life. Christ the Lord is present deep inside him and strengthen him with His strength to face all the trials.
Only a spiritual steadfastness in union with Christ, like St. Apostle Paul, can help those in distress to overcome the trials that befall him.