Taina Sfântului Maslu în literatura patristică
The mystery of healing the sick during the Sacrament of Holy Unction has its deepest roots in the words of the Saints Apostles and the thaumaturgical practice of the Savior Jesus Christ. Starting from these Gospel words, the Church has respected the commandment concerning the need of healing with “the oil accompanied by prayer”, gradually resulting in the rich form of the current Holy Unction ceremonial. Therefore, I-VIIIth centuries represent an organic development of the first biblical recommendations regarding the healing of the sufferers and, as a result, carrying out the commandment and the apostolic practice.
There are a series of differences and shades regarding the way of understanding and applying the Sacrament of the Church, even from the first Christian centuries. Nevertheless, one might say that at least during the patristic period, the ceremonial of the Holy Unction has remained largely unitary, both in the East and in the West.