Greci din Galaţi, Brăila şi alte localităţi, membri ai Societăţii pentru educaţie (Φιλεκπαιδευτική) din Atena
The relationships between Greeks and Romanians are lost in the distant past. But they have been preserved on different levels: economic – commercial, diplomatic, political, cultural; the most profound aspect of this relationship is the spiritual
connection between the Greeks and the Romanians, as Orthodox people in Balkans who fought over the years against the same vicissitudes of history and who have always received God’s help.
The present study aims to bring to the attention of the reader the names of some Greeks living in during XIXth - XXth century, as members of the Society for Education in Athens. It is also highlighted the major cultural role of the Greeks in the Romanian regions where they lived and of whose spiritual sons they had been.