Ştiinţa şi metoda terapiei poemantice a Bisericii

  • Teofan Mada Facultatea de Teologie „Ilarion V. Felea“, Arad
Keywords: therapy, Holy Unction, healing, spiritual ascent


The poemantic therapy is the gift of the Orthodox Religion which offers spiritual therapy to the person who is not only in an institutional relationship, but also spiritual and filial relationship with the Mother Church. Being connected to the source of grace – Our Savior Jesus Christ, from Which he sips avidly through the Holy Sacraments, the man experiences both body and soul, a wonderful process of refining, continuous improving and spiritual ascent. In Orthodox mysticism, this process is called “Theosis” (deification) and is best highlighted in the biography of any saint from the Church calendar.
The man who cannot go to Christ is sick! In this case, the Church, chrysostomically called “the community hospital for souls”, offers a great variety of therapeutic methods which achieve their spiritual goal through the priest’s work, that activates the work of Holy Sacraments. The poemantic science is christologically based, works mysteriously, is aimed at the bodily and soul sick persons, assesses the results of therapy (forgiving sins and regaining health), fully revealing Christ, “the Doctor of bodies and souls”.


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How to Cite
Mada, T. (2012). Ştiinţa şi metoda terapiei poemantice a Bisericii. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 11, 422-440. Retrieved from https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/teologie/article/view/4519