The cemetery environment and the birth of Christian sacred art

  • Cristian Gagu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati


Any general perspective on Christian sacred art and, therefore, on its history and evolution, implies a reference to its beginnings, which, as evidenced by the evidence that has come down to us, are related to the cemetery environment. The specialized works, which investigate, catalog and interpret the evidence regarding the beginnings of Christian art are numerous, and their authors agree in stating that the beginnings of Christian art are related to the cemetery environment. The present study aims to highlight, once again, the causal link between the cemetery environment in the catacombs of Rome, and not only, and the beginnings of Christian sacred art, with the means and ways of its manifestation, with the first iconographic themes used and their significance. and, last but not least, with the worship of the early Church.


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How to Cite
Gagu, C. (2022). The cemetery environment and the birth of Christian sacred art. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 19, 41-80. Retrieved from
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