Lucrarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române în diaspora. Limite, provocări, perspective

  • Lucian Farcașiu Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu“ din Arad
Keywords: communities, believers, Orthodox, Romanians, neighborhood, abroad, borders, country, organization, canonical, pastoral, challenges, perspectives


This study refers to the communities of Romanian Orthodox believers from the neighborhood of our country and abroad. We briefly presented some of the characteristics of the Romanian diaspora, the challenges it faces as well as some future perspectives. At the end of the study, we presented some conclusions of the research undertaken.

How to Cite
Farcașiu, L. (2022). Lucrarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române în diaspora. Limite, provocări, perspective. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 19, 190-202. Retrieved from
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