Rugăciune, apostolat şi comuniune la altarul Sfântului Apostol Pavel
With the blessing of Metropolitan Pantelimon de Veria, this year the 28th edition of the Pan-Orthodox Theological Congress, known as “Pavlia”, took place between June 26-28. The place chosen for the scientific event is marked by the memory of the Christian mission of Saint Paul the Apostle and the time spent in hesychia and persistent prayer by Saint Gregory Palamas. This year’s theme was: “Saint Paul and crisis management”. The distinguished participants set out to analyze how the Orthodox Church today can overcome various crises caused by suffering, diseases, wars and other trials. All these crises can be analyzed starting from the Pauline logic: “I can do all things through Christ, the One who strengthens me” (Philippians 4.13). The impressions produced by this event are the subject of this report.