Starea de prezenţă în rugăciune - primenirea continuă a fiinţei

  • Gheorghe Butuc Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: the state of consciousness, prayer, hesychia, Heaven


Prayer remains the Mystical Language of one’s soul with God. An interpersonal mystery, that can be neither faked, nor imitated, nor recited – in fact those are clear signs of falling out of prayer.
Among the countless ways of praying, coming from each one’s unique way of meeting God, the State of Consciousness in prayer comes to regain within the contemporary man the authentic and the being, in relation to God and himself, realities which are more and more absent in the general mimicry of the postmodern societies.
Without the State of Consciousness, prayer can become “anything”, but this “anything” can never turn into prayer.

How to Cite
Butuc, G. (2022). Starea de prezenţă în rugăciune - primenirea continuă a fiinţei. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 20, 67-79. Retrieved from
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