Preotul Cornel Givulescu, profesor, dirijor, compozitor şi activitatea sa la Conservatorul „Gheorghe Dima“ din Cluj-Napoca

  • Ovidiu-Valentin Boc Alba Iulia
Keywords: Cornel Givulescu, composer, conductor, music, music conservatory, Dima, theology


Cornel Givulescu is an important part of the musical pantheon of the last century. Born in Săvârșin, Arad County, he was a priest, composer, musicologist, conductor, and, in the same time, a remarkable professor. He left a deep mark on music and on one of the institutions he loved and to which he dedicated many years of his life – The National Academy of Music “Gheorghe Dima“ of Cluj-Napoca, where he was a member of the department of Theory – Solfeggio, a life-long tribute paid to the continent of sounds. The present study depicts Corneliu Givulescu’s evolution and the defining moments in his life and activity, highlighting the years spent as professor to the Academy of Music. We also mention his creations, many of them inedited and original, as the oratorio “Golgota“, the harmonized Liturgies for male or mixt choir, the Eucharist prayers, the musical Creed, and numerous important texts from the New Testament, musically transposed by the composer Cornel Givulescu.


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How to Cite
Boc, O.-V. (2024). Preotul Cornel Givulescu, profesor, dirijor, compozitor şi activitatea sa la Conservatorul „Gheorghe Dima“ din Cluj-Napoca. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 21, 22-55. Retrieved from
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