Studies on cultivation and biological efficiency of mushrooms grown on different agro-residues

  • Ingale Arun North Maharatsra University, Jalgaon
  • Ramteke Anita Amravati University
Keywords: Pleurotus, Mushroom, Agro-residues, Nutritional value


The several white rot fungi are edible mushrooms and are saprophytic basidiomycetes, which have been successfully cultivated at commercial level worldwide using lignocellulose wastes as substrates for their cultivation. Pleurotus species is a wood digesting fungi, which was first cultivated on logs. Today it has become practice to prepare Pleurotus substrate from shredded wheat straw. Present paper discusses biochemical analysis and cultivation of Pleurotus species on soybean straw. The Pleurotus species was cultivated on different agro-wastes viz. soybean straw, paddy straw, wheat straw and their combination in 1:1 proportion to determine the effect of these agro waste on yield, moisture content, crude protein, total carbohydrates, fat, crude fiber, ash and minerals like Ca, P, Fe content. Pleurotus eous has highest percentage of protein content i.e 46% followed by Pleurotus sajar caju and Pleurotus florida. The fat content of three different species indicates that Pleurotus florida has highest percentage of fat content 1.9% as compared to Pleurotus Sajar caju (1.7%) and Pleurotus eous (1.2%). The crude fibers of all species are shown in table-2 Pleurotus eous has highest crude fiber (12%) as compared to Pleurotus florida (11.5%) and Pleurotus sajar caju (10.9%). The highest mineral concentration was found in case of Pleurotus eous as compare to Pleurotus sajar caju and Pleurotus florida when grown on soybean as substrate. The higher mineral content of Pleurotus eous makes it suitable for food supplement in diet.


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How to Cite
Arun I, Anita R. Studies on cultivation and biological efficiency of mushrooms grown on different agro-residues. Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology [Internet]. 2Jun.2010 [cited 12Mar.2025];(6):25-8. Available from: