Biomass and pigments production of the mixed culture of microalgae (Hyaloraphidium contortum and Chlorella vulgaris) by cultivation in media based on commercial fertilizer

  • Brito Diagnora University of Oriente, Biology and Animal Health Department, Av. University, Maturín
  • Castro Arturo University of Oriente, Biology and Animal Health Department, Av. University, Maturín
  • Guevara Miguel University of Oriente, Biology and Animal Health Department, Av. University, Maturín
  • Gómez Ely University of Oriente, Biology and Animal Health Department, Av. University, Maturín
  • Ramos-Villarroel Ana University of Oriente, Biology and Animal Health Department, Av. University, Maturín
  • Maftei Aron Nicoleta Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, Dunărea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: microalgae, fertilizers, growth, pigment biosynthesis


For the mixed culture of Chlorella vulgaris and Hyaloraphidium contortum, was determined the effect of different sources of nutrients (Nitrofoska ®, Poliverdol ® and Guillard) on the production of photosynthetic pigments and biomass. Bioassays were performed in quadruplicate in batch cultures maintained in aeration and continuous illumination. The growth was determined by cell counting and the production of pigment by spectrophotometry. The cell density increased with time of planting, obtaining maximum production at 24 days with an average of 1.38 104±
5603.94; 1.09 104 ± 29.125 and 3.04 104± 8.900 cells mL-1 in Nitrofoska®, Poliverdol® and Guillard, respectively. The pigment (chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids) production was moderated (1.11 μg mL-1 at 24 days) in the medium Guillard during all-time research. Commercial agricultural fertilizers are an alternative source of nutrients for growth and pigment production in the mixed culture of microalgae.


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How to Cite
Diagnora, Brito, Castro Arturo, Guevara Miguel, Gómez Ely, Ramos-Villarroel Ana, and Maftei Aron Nicoleta. 2013. “Biomass and Pigments Production of the Mixed Culture of Microalgae (Hyaloraphidium Contortum and Chlorella Vulgaris) by Cultivation in Media Based on Commercial Fertilizer”. The Annals of the University Dunarea De Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI - Food Technology 37 (1), 85-97.