
Web of Science Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics Master Journal List, Emerging Sources Citation Index; SCOPUS; Ei Compendex; DOAJ; CABI; EBSCO; ProQuest; FSTA; Index Copernicus; MJL (Medical Journal Link) Biotechnology; Chemical Abstract Services (CAS); CNCSIS (B+)


Clarivate 2023: Impact Factor - 0.8; AIS - 0.101; JCI - 0.13 

Scopus 2023: CiteScore - 1.300; SJR - 0.232; SNIP - 0.221

In press

1. Phytochemical composition and sensory acceptability of macarons supplemented with carrot pomace

Oncică Florina-Genica, Florina Stoica, Oana Emilia Constantin, Doina Georgeta Andronoiu, Iuliana Aprodu, Roxana Nicoleta Ratu, Nicoleta Stănciuc, Constantin Croitoru, Gabriela Râpeanu

2. Wild Rosmarinus officinalisl. extracts as a potent antioxidant agent

Azzedine Mazari, Zineb Fedjer, Aicha Blama And Amina Baghous

3. Green extraction of bioactive components from Phoenix dactylifera (L.) seeds using nades: Applications in functional food ingredients

Adhitya Yudha Pradhana, Sedarnawati Yasni, Nugraha Edhi Suyatma, Sri Yuliani

4. Investigations on the zinc-binding capacity and functional properties of the baby clam (Corbiculidae sp.) meat protein hydrolysate

Tam Dinh Le Vo, Ngoc Thi Quynh Nguyen, Hung Hoa Lam, Hanh Thi Hong Tran, Du Huy Nguyen, Bao Chi Vo

5. Antifungal potential of some plants on mycelial growth and aflatoxin B1 biosynthesis of Aspergillus flavus

Bilal Balkan, Seda Balkan

Published: 2025-03-28