Research on the Influence of Chemical Composition and Structural Condition on the Properties of High-Resistance Naval Steel Flat Rolled Products

  • Elisabeta VASILESCU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Keywords: steel, rolled, heavy plates, temperature, structures, mechanical properties, heat treatments, thermomechanically rolled, naval industry


The performance achieved in the manufacture of large ships and components of special characteristics requires the use of quality metallic materials with physico-chemical and mechanical characteristics able to satisfy the quality conditions specified in the product standards for a safety operation.
The category of flat rolled products widely used in naval industry includes the high-strength sheet steel whose characteristics depend on the correlation of the chemical composition with the thermal and / or the thermo-mechanical processing in order to obtain the prescriptions imposed by the naval regulations.
The paper presents some of the experimental results obtained by a laboratory scale research program for the study of the influence of the thermal and / or thermomechanical treatment parameters on the use characteristics of the highstrength naval steel sheet while ensuring the constancy of these characteristics in the manufacturing. The evaluation of the physical-mechanical properties and the interpretation of the experimental results obtained have as reference similar properties obtained from conventional thermal processing or even from the state of rolling as the state of the product delivery.



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How to Cite
VASILESCU E. Research on the Influence of Chemical Composition and Structural Condition on the Properties of High-Resistance Naval Steel Flat Rolled Products. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Mar.2018 [cited 3Mar.2025];41(1):37-4. Available from: