Research on the Behaviour of the Tooth - Crown Assemblies Made of Different Metal Materials in Solutions Simulating the Oral Environment

  • Elisabeta VASILESCU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Keywords: hard dental tissue, dental alloy, artificial saliva, metal crowns


One of the basic principles of restorative dentistry is the conservation of the hard dental structure, while satisfying both aesthetic and functional requirements. Complying with this principle will minimize the harmful effects caused by the diversity of works and materials. There are numerous studies that aim to determine the behavior of different types of materials in the complex environment of the oral cavity, but a small number are those that relate to the changes that occur in the underlying dental hard tissues represented by dental abutments. Experiments were performed on extracted teeth prepared by grinding. On the polished abutments, crowns of three alloy types were made, namely: Cr- Co, Cr-Ni, and copper alloys. The crowns were cemented onto the abutments with a glass ionomer cement and subsequently immersed and maintained in solutions simulating the specific conditions of an oral environment (also called artificial saliva) of the type: Ringer Fusayama-Mayer  and citric acid. After a period of six months, the ablation of crowns was achieved and comments were made on the changes in the abutments and also in the crown envelopes.

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How to Cite
VASILESCU E. Research on the Behaviour of the Tooth - Crown Assemblies Made of Different Metal Materials in Solutions Simulating the Oral Environment. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2015 [cited 3Mar.2025];38(3):23-8. Available from: