Physical-Mechanical and Technological Characteristics of Ti10Zr Alloy for Dental Applications

  • Vlad Gabriel VASILESCU “Carol Davila” Medicine and and Pharmacy University
  • Elisabeta VASILESCU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Keywords: biocompatibility implant, melting, cold crucible, casting, titanium-zirconium, microstructure


Progress reported over time in dentistry can be attributed largely to the dynamics of acquiring new materials. A biomaterial is considered ideal in the absence of any biomaterial-tissue interaction, which means a biomaterial totally inert to the biological medium. Biomaterials currently used as implants that come in contact with the tissues and substances and fluids in the body must meet two basic characteristics, called bio-functionality and biocompatibility. They define both the ability to fulfill its function properly and the compatibility of the implant biomaterial with the tissue that it incorporates. The most common are metallic biomaterials (metals and alloys) due to their very good mechanical properties and their accepted biocompatibility. Issues related to the use of metallic materials in dental biomaterials (prostheses, implants) include mainly corrosion, release of toxic metal ions and wear. The toxicity of the metal ions as particles resulting from wear is a major disadvantage in the use of metallic biomaterials as they may induce multiple tissue reactions, such as osteolysis, damage the normal structure of the bone, severe reaction of macrophages, granuloma, fibrous capsule, inflammatory and immune reactions. All this can lead to implant destabilization and loosening.
This paper summarizes the physical-mechanical and technological characteristics of a new titanium-based alloy having high biocompatibility due to the chemical composition. The alloy is composed of 10% zirconium designed to improve fatigue strength in corrosive environment and does not contain harmful elements present in conventional titanium-based alloys composition.

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How to Cite
VASILESCU VG, VASILESCU E. Physical-Mechanical and Technological Characteristics of Ti10Zr Alloy for Dental Applications. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Sep.2016 [cited 3Mar.2025];39(3):19-6. Available from: