An Isothermal Model for Evaluating Stress and Strain in the Polymeric Block of the Block-on-Ring System
isothermal model, friction, stress and strain distribution, blockon-ring tester
This paper presents the results of simulating an isothermal frictional contact between a polymeric block and a steel ring. The model takes into account the elasto-plastic behavior of the polymeric materials and the friction coefficient of the two triboelements in dry regime as determined from tests done on a block-on-ring system. The results given by the model are compared to some characteristics of the actual test ring (geometry of the wear track). The mechanical characteristic of the polymer material were modeled in accordance to the results obtained from the traction tests.
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[16]. ***, COSMOS/M version 2.9.
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[10]. Mukras S., Kim N.H., Sawyer W.G., Jackson D.B., Bergquist L.W. - Numerical integration schemes and parallel computation for wear prediction using finite element method, Wear, 266, pp. 822-831, (2009).
[11]. Kral E.R., Komvopoulos K. - Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Subsurface Stress and Strain Fields Due to Sliding Contact on an Elastic-Plastic layered Medium, Transactions of the ASME, vol. 119, no. 4 pp. 332-341, (1997).
[12]. Moratal D. (editor), - Finite Element Analysis, Sciyo, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-307-123-7, (2010).
[13]. Pödra P., Andersson S. - Simulating sliding wear with finite element method, Tribol. Int., 32, pp. 71-81, (1999).
[14]. Yan W., O’Dowd N. P., Busso E. P. - Numerical study of sliding wear caused by a loaded pin on a rotating disc, J. Mech. Phys. Solid, 50, pp. 449–470, (2002).
[15]. Zhil’tsova T. V., Neto V. F., Fonseca A., Oliveira M. S. A. - Numerical Simulation of a PBT Component with Molded-in Metal Insert, PMI 2008 – 3nd International Conference on Polymers & Moulds Innovations, University College Ghent, Belgium, pp. 1-6, (2008).
[16]. ***, COSMOS/M version 2.9.
[17]. ***, winTest™ Analysis universal testing software.
How to Cite
GEORGESCU C, BOAZU D, ŞTEFĂNESCU I, DELEANU L. An Isothermal Model for Evaluating Stress and Strain in the Polymeric Block of the Block-on-Ring System. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Dec.2012 [cited 9Mar.2025];35(4):13-9. Available from: