Influence of Micro Glass Beads Added in a PBT Matrix on the Mechanical Properties of Composites

  • Mihail BOTAN "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
  • Constantin GEORGESCU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
  • Lorena DELEANU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
Keywords: PBT, glass beads, composite, elasticity modulus, stress at break, elongation at break, energy at break


This paper presents the influence of adding materials (micros glass spheres) in a matrix of PBT on several mechanical properties: elasticity modulus, stress at break , elongation at break, energy at break.
The mechanical properties of these composites depend on the glass beads concentration. The additivation of polybuthylen therephtalate with glass beads increases the values of the elasticity modulus, but reduces quite drastically the elongation at break. Using the SEM investigation, the authors pointed out the particular aspects of fracture surfaces: a ductile process at sample margins and a brittle one in the middle of the composite.

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How to Cite
BOTAN M, GEORGESCU C, DELEANU L. Influence of Micro Glass Beads Added in a PBT Matrix on the Mechanical Properties of Composites. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2012 [cited 24Jan.2025];35(2):64-1. Available from: