Composite Coating in Copper Matrix with Molybdenum in Dispersion Phase Obtained by Electrochemical Methods
electrochemical deposition, structure, coating
The paper describes reviews referring to determination of working parameters of the development processes of composites in copper matrix, obtained by electrochemical deposition methods.
The molybdenum particles having particle sizes of 3 μm, respective 7 μm have been used as a complementary phase. The optimal conditions for codeposition were determined, the structure and chemical composition of the obtained coatings were presented and the coating characteristics were tested.
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[2]. O. Mitoseriu, S. C. Cocindau, F. Potecasu, L. Orac - Composite coatings obtained through zinc electrochemical codeposits and short ceramic fibers, Metalurgia International, 19-26.
[3]. O. Mitoseriu, I. Rusu, S. C. Cocindau, F. Potecasu, L. Orac - The method of obtaining zinc coating matrix composites and ceramic fibers dispersed phase, Meridian engineering, Moldova, Ed. U.T.M, vol. 2/ 2009, p. 37-43.
[4]. O. Mitoseriu, S. Constantinescu, L. Orac - Study and researches regarding binaring system with tiobis- β- naftol, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle IX Metallurgy and Material Science, Vol. Nr. 1 2007.
[5]. O. Mitoseriu, S. Constantinescu, L. Orac - Identification and measurement of copper from special alloys and waste waters, Proceedings of the 4th Conference Black Sea Basin, Bulgaria, 2007, p.55-60.
[6]. O. Mitoseriu, S. Constantinescu, L. Orac - Electrochemical deposition method to obtain composites coatings with metal matrix, Conferinta internationala TEHNOMUS, Universitatea „Stefan cel mare” Suceava, 2009, p. 479- 484.
How to Cite
MITOSERIU O, POTECASU F, CONSTANTINESCU S, ORAC L. Composite Coating in Copper Matrix with Molybdenum in Dispersion Phase Obtained by Electrochemical Methods. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Dec.2010 [cited 9Mar.2025];33(4):68-2. Available from: