Research for Realize the Configuration of Wind Energy Turbine
energy source, wind power, global warming
For already quite some time, the word energy has received a somewhat negative connotation. Some circles want to make us believe that energy is something that one should have disgust for; a necessary evil that should be avoided at any price. With such unqualified negative thinking that omits recognition of the positive contributions, and that focuses only on the side effects and shadow sides, without paying attention to the technological solutions that can “neutralize” the disadvantages, mankind will not be served well. Such attitudes will have a rather lethargic effect on a healthy development of society.
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[2]. Australian Greenhouse office. Australian Greenhouse office website. [Online] [Cited: September 19, 2007,
[3]. Rashid, Muhammad H., 2001, Power Electronics Handbook. s.l.: Academic Press.
[4]. A. Martes, “Technische evaluatie van WKK in grote genbouwen”, studiedag “REG in grote genbouwen”, Antwerpen 25 september 1997.
[5]. U.S. Department of Energy, 2003, Small Wind Electric Systems. s.l.: U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a DOE national laboratory, June. DOE/GO102005-2095.
[6]. Grigsby, Leonard L., 2000, The Electric Power Engineering Handbook (Electrical Engineering Handbook). s.l. CRC, September 28, ISBN13: 978-0849385780.
How to Cite
DRAGAN V, DRAGAN MC, BALTA S. Research for Realize the Configuration of Wind Energy Turbine. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2008 [cited 9Mar.2025];31(2):108-12. Available from: