Aspects Regarding the Atmosphere Pollution Monitoring
aerosol, pollution, particulate matter, air quality
This paper presents information regarding the variation of aerosols concentration in a central area in Galati city. For a period of time of 2 years and 5 months, there have been done correlations between aerosols concentrations with grading classes and the dominant wind directions (E-W, N-NW~S-SE, S~N, N~NE~S-SW).
The results of the measurements are particular for only a point in time, being influenced by random variables (traffic intensity, temperature, pressure, wind speed, humidity etc.).
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[2]. APOSTOL, T., “Strategia şi legislaţia României de protecţie a mediului”, Ed. AGIR, Bucureşti, 2000.
[3]. BALINT L., et al., “Aspecte privind monitorizarea atmosferei ambientale”, Simp. ”Industria şi mediul”, IPM Galaţi and Ispat Sidex S.A., Galaţi, 2003.
[4]. BALINT L., et al., “Aspects regarding the environement atmosphere pollution monitoring”, Proc. of “Conferinţa Naţională de Tehnologii şi Materiale Avansate”, Ed. Fundaţiei Universitare Dunărea de Jos, Galaţi, 20-22 nov. 2003, p. 149-163.
[5.] BALINT L., RADU T., BALINT S., NIŢĂ P., CONSTANTINESCU S., “Poluarea aerului în aglomerări urbane, limitrofe uzinelor metalurgice” Proc. of the Conf. „Turnătoria de la rigoarea tehnicii la artă”, Ed. Academica, Galaţi, 2004, p. 166-168.
[6]. CHANG, H. Y., “Principles of Air Pollution. Human Health II - Health effects from O3, NOX, SO2, PM, CO, Pb, HAPs”, available at (15.03.05).
[7]. DOBRE L.I., PĂTRAŞCU C., “Monitorizarea imisiilor atmosferice într-o localitate industrială”, Proc. of "Sesiunea de Comunicări Ştiinţifice «35 de ani de activitate a Universităţii Petrol-Gaze la Ploieşti», Ploieşti, 2002.
[8]. KETZEL, M. et al., “Particle size distribution and particle mass measurements at urban, near-city and rural level in the Copenhagen area and Southern Sweden”, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. (3) 2003, p. 5513-5546.
[9]. LĂZĂROIU, GH., “Tehnologii moderne de depoluare a aerului”, Ed. Agir, Bucureşti, 2000.
[10]. MĂNESCU, S., “Igiena mediului”, Ed. Medicală, Bucuresti, 1991.
[11]. ROJANSKI, V. et al., “Protecţia şi Ingineria Mediului”, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, 1997.
[12]. SEINFELD, J.H., PANDIS, S.N., “Atmospheric chemistry and physics: From air pollution to climate change”, Ed. John Wiley, New York, 1998.
[13]. UNG, A. et al., "Satellite data lor air pollution mapping over a city - Virtual stations”, Proc. of the 21th EARSeL Sympozium, Paris, 2001, p. 147-151.
[14]. DORSEY, J., "Introduction to Aerosols", available at (10.03.2005).
[15]. ***, “Respiratory Deposition”, available at section01.html (8.03.05).
[16]. ***, “Health Aspects of Air Pollution with Particulate Matter, Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide”, Report on a WHO Working Group Bonn, Germany, 13-15 Jan.
How to Cite
BALINT L, RÎPĂ M, NIŢĂ P, BALINT S, RADU T, LEBĂDĂ S. Aspects Regarding the Atmosphere Pollution Monitoring. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15May2005 [cited 9Mar.2025];28(1):23-. Available from: