Corrosion of Galvanized Steel in Various Aqueous Environments Present in Nature

  • Tamara RADU "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania
Keywords: galvanized sheet, corrosion, rainwater, domestic water, Danube water


Experimental research has focused on the corrosion behaviour of a widely used protective coating, respectively, galvanized sheet in various corrosive aqueous environments present in nature. In the laboratory experiments, the following were chosen as corrosive media: rainwater, domestic water, Danube water and sea water.
Galvanized sheet can interact with these environments due to its use in metal constructions, home appliances, car construction, food industry, others.
In order to assess the corrosion resistance, the mass loss was determined for a period of five weeks. The results showed a higher corrosion rate in rainwater compared to the other corrosive environments tested. The lowest corrosion rate was in sea water. In domestic water and Danube water the mass loss was comparable.

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How to Cite
RADU T. Corrosion of Galvanized Steel in Various Aqueous Environments Present in Nature. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2020 [cited 12Mar.2025];43(2):29-3. Available from:

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