Grexit Between Speculation And Truth
The paper deals with the idea of supporting or not Greece’s exit from the Euro area. Four economic indicators are used in the analysis: GDP growth rate, inflation rate,
unemployment rate and government gross debt, in order to obtain a scientific conclusion.
The comparative analysis between all Euro area countries is followed by regression, which is able to highlight the economic disparities. According to the results of
the analysis, Greece faced the same challenges as Cyprus, Spain, Portugal or Italy, for example during 2010-2013. The economic contraction in Greece was followed by a new
recovery process started in 2014. The official forecast for 2015 highlights positive trends for all above four indicators, as well.
The main conclusion of the paper, using the economic approach, is that Greece does not have to exit from Euro area. Only a political decision can do it.
The whole analysis and all conclusions of the paper are supported by the latest official statistical data and pertinent diagrams. Moreover, dedicated forecasting software is
used in the paper.

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