The Analysis of the European Structural Instruments

  • Romeo Victor Ionescu


The necessity of decreasing impact of the economic integration on labour, industries, and financial equilibrium in E.U. brought about the implementation of a European regional policy, as a result, ERDF was initiated in 1975.

The successive enlargements of the E.U. determined the growth of the regional socio-economic disparities. To implement the social-economic cohesion policy, the European Commission created the Structural and Cohesion Funds. These funds must support national and regional financial efforts to achieve a steady development for all Member States. After the latest two enlargements, the process of adapting regional policies instruments is supported by the following: ERDF, European Social Fund and European Cohesion Fund.

How to Cite
Ionescu, R. (2023). The Analysis of the European Structural Instruments. Public Administration and Regional Studies, 1(1). Retrieved from