Aspecte privind relația dintre parohie și școală astăzi, în Arhiepiscopia Dunării de Jos
The central problem, which concerns the public opinion, the teachers and the children’s parents, today, in Romania and not only, is education. “How can you educate well a child, morally, ethically and religiously?” – this is the question that eats on and animates the educational programs of the main educational factors of today and from all the times: Family, School and Church. When there are no live and true models, when the axiological criteria lost, when the educational systems or methods are out of date, the Church always seeks new solutions and methods, attractive and motivating, to keep young people closer to Christ and close to the other people, seeking a first major aim of education: man to be man for people beside him. For the second, much higher aim – that of acquiring the Kingdom of God by a virtuous living and a holy faith, the Church teaches the children, youth, and adults, always, “the lesson of salvation”, using the “ABC of the Gospel”, valid for all the times and for all categories of people. In order to succeed, in actuality, to educate the souls of the young in the spirit of the Gospel, the Romanian Orthodox Church uses missionary and educational programs and projects of this kind, approved by the Holy Synod, the most popular and effective of these being: the catechetical program “Christ shared to children”, the program for children who choose the school dropout, “Choose to Go to School”, the catechism program for the adults “Way of Salvation”. The present study aims to examine how these programs succeed to achieve the communion between young people and their closeness to Christ the Savior, in Church, in the Archdiocese of Lower Danube, involving the Archdiocesan Center, the deaneries, parishes, priests, religion teachers and many volunteers. In this respect, the figures and the presented statistics are illustrative.