Profilul unui păstor model – preotul Ilarion V. Felea, după Jurnalul său autobiografic

  • Lucian Farcașiu “Aurel Vlaicu“ University of Arad
Keywords: Father Ilarion V. Felea, confessor theologian, servant priest at the Holy Shrine, liturgical aspects, pastoral aspects, theological work


The present study deepens the theological and the spiritual personality of Fr. PhD. Ilarion V. Felea. Father Felea was, par excellence, the professor of Systematic Theology, his classes and work being approached in this way. But taking into account the natural connection between the Christian dogma and the need of its living in the cult of the Church, searching deeply through his theological work, we discover liturgical issues that Fr. Felea highlights and treats in particular way. Thus, our study highlights the detailed aspects of Pastoral and Liturgical Theology developed the theological work of Fr. Professor Felea. From the research I undertook, we can say with conviction that in the complex personality of Father Ilarion, met both the theologian confessor and the servant priest at the Holy Shrine. His theological work, in which we fully find both elements of Pastoral and Liturgical Theology, is nothing more but the practical fruitfulness of the blessed meeting in his person between the Theological aspects that deals with the joy of living, in the personal life, of these truths confessed from the desk.


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Author Biography

Lucian Farcașiu, “Aurel Vlaicu“ University of Arad

Pr. conf. dr. Lucian Farcaşiu, Facultatea de Teologie „Ilarion Felea“, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu“ din Arad

How to Cite
Farcașiu, L. (2016). Profilul unui păstor model – preotul Ilarion V. Felea, după Jurnalul său autobiografic. Teologie și Educație La "Dunărea De Jos", 14, 308-327. Retrieved from
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